Thinking of personalizing your license plate to make a dirty joke or express your political views? Think again.
The California DMV has released a list of 100 banned license plate phrases and numbers, reports NBC Bay Area.
"It's really hard to say what would offend one person and not offend another person," said Barbara, a member of the DMV's four-person Registration Special Processing Unit. "'IB6UB9,' would you like to explain that to your kid?"
The DMV's team reviews 200-500 plates a day, and uses search engines like Urban Dictionary, Wikipedia and Google Translation to decipher different submissions.
Other eliminations are easier to weed out. The number 13 is automatically rejected because of its gang affiliation, while 14 and 88 are not allowed because of their association with white supremacist groups.
For on-the-fence submissions, a group of people diverse in age, background and ethnicity are surveyed and asked whether or not a plate is offensive. Based on the answers, the plates are either approved or denied.
Here's a list of 25 of the banned California plates:
(*) = spaces
(/) = half spaces
# = hand symbol
$ = heart symbol
& = star symbol
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