On Graduation Day"......
Today, as you graduate, ......
one chapter in your life has closed, ......
and another is about to begin. ......
The future stands bright before you, ......
so take hold of your dreams......
and no matter what...don't let go. ......
There will be times ahead......
when you will feel overwhelmed, ......
but try not to give up, ......
for nothing which is worth anything, ......
comes without hard work and sacrifice. ......
When you were a little boy, ......
I held your hand. ......
I guided you and protected you......
as best I could. ......
It's time for me to let go now. ......
There is some pain in that. ......
Still, there is also a wonderful sense......
of pride and accomplishment......
as I look at the young man ......
that you have become. ......
I love you, Son, and I pray......
that my love will sustain you. ......
It's time now... ......
spread your wings and fly! ......
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